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Applying to The Beauty Accelerator™ 2021? Advice from Fussy

The Beauty Accelerator™ is the UK’s most exciting beauty initiative for emerging independent beauty brands. For the launch of The Beauty Accelerator™ 2021, we spoke to the founders of Fussy and winners of last year’s accelerator about how The Beauty Accelerator™ propelled their brand to new heights.


As you know, we just launched the beauty accelerator™ 2021. How does it feel to be the one of the winners of the (first) beauty accelerator™ almost one year on?

We won’t forget the moment we won that for sure. My wife thought we were being burgled, I was shouting so much! As first-time founders, at least at this scale, it was life changing for us. And it truly was an accelerator; it gave us the momentum to close a funding round just a few months later, which in turn allowed us to put the foundations (beauty pun there) in place for a company that can truly make a difference to the world we inhabit.


What advice would you give to brands considering applying for the beauty accelerator™ 2021?

Prep like crazy, number your numbers, treat it seriously and be yourself.


How has the beauty accelerator™ helped you in achieving the goals you had set for your brand?

The Beauty Accelerator™ helped us achieving our first funding goal faster which in turn has allowed us to gain over 10,000 customers and prevent over 30,000 single use plastic deodorants from heading to landfill or even worst our ocean. Now if that isn’t a reason to be fussy (or apply to the accelerator) I don’t know what is.


How have you used the investment you received from the beauty accelerator™?

To build a planet saving pit friendly super deodorant of course! In all seriousness we invested a lot into R&D developing the UK’s first probiotic based natural deodorant backed by science, not buzzwords. Many brands launch using white label products and it makes sense in terms of speed and economics for their business, but it comes at a sacrifice to the consumer. We choose to take the longer path to develop a superior product. I guess that’s why we are called Fussy.


How has the red tree’s knowledge and expertise helped you over the last 8-months?

The team have been a great sounding board to our ideas, giving us a gentle kick or arm round the shoulder (remotely via zoom of course) when we need one. Their retail and beauty expertise has been particular valuable to a couple of stinky (pre Fussy) guys from the marketing world.


What are your plans for future investment rounds?

We couldn’t possibly say. But if you have some spare cash, believe in our mission to banish single use plastic from the bathroom and believe brands have a responsibility to value the planet as much as profit then we should talk.


  • What’s next for fussy? Any planned hires, new product launches, new markets / retailers we should have on our radar?

    We’re hiring across all areas of the business. Have new product launches. New markets. All of the above. Power to your pits!

Applications for The Beauty Accelerator™ 2021 are now open and close on Friday, 24th of September. 

The Red Tree is the UK’s leading international beauty brand consultancy and a powerhouse of ideas, insight and inspiration. For an informal discussion on how we might help you, please contact us.

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